
ReactJS features


Declarative: It is a very interactive and dynamic useful user interface for websites and mobile applications. Simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update just the right components when your data changes.

Virtual DOM: A virtual DOM is an object which represents the DOM objects, it creates and makes the virtual duplicate first DOM. It is a one-way of data binding manipulation which is quick rather than the original DOM.

Event Handling: It reacts own event system which is fully compatible with the object model. All native browser event is wrapped by an instance of an event. It provides an interface to the native event in cross-browser.

Performance: React use one-way data binding with the mobile application and website architecture called flux controls. Which helps us update the view for the user with flux control. Here virtual DOM advantage where it compares the new data with the original DOM and automatically updates.

React Native: It is a custom renderer for React, just like React DOM on the web. It uses a native component instead of a web component like react as building blocks. You need the basic knowledge to react native and also give access to the feature of this platform.

Component-Based: It is a component of the web page divided into small page to create a viewer. Every part of the application would be wrapped inside a self-contained module known as a component. You can without much of a stretch pass rich information through your application and keep the state out of the DOM.

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