In today’s world , Data is one of the important thing for develop the industries , every company have a lots of data (either its an IT company or not) . As we are Data Scientist and its our responsibility to manage the data , it’s all depend on how we play with the data ?
Data Science have a multiple field , where you use mathematics process , algorithms , scientific methods and systems to gain the knowledge from structured and unstructured data . By using the most powerful systems with most powerful algorithms we solve the problem of data like data extract , analyze the data . In data science we deal with the huge data to create new data from old data.
Data science is simply use the concept of “statistics , analysis , machine learning and methods related to them in order to understand and analyze the actual fact of the data “. Data science is the huge field where you can make your career in different field like business executive , business analyst , business intelligence , data analyst , you can also make your career in machine learning , artificial intelligence and many more.
In data science you have a huge data and with the help of data science technique like statistics , machine learning and by analyze the data you can create new data from an old data or you can do data mining or you can use the concept of big data to understand the facts of actual data .
What you do ?
You can many things in data science like :-
- Data Modeling :- Data Modeling is the concept of analyze the one data objects to another data objects. data modeling shows the data structures in the company database.
- Data Visualization :- Data Visualization is the graphical representation of the data and information , by using patterns , charts , graphs etc. It make the data to understand easier
- Neural Networks :- Neural Networks are the come in the machine learning techniques based on the human brain to able to understand the hidden information of the data. It create the best possible way to approach the result without changing the exact result .
- Data Mining :- Data Mining is the process in which you extract the new data from available data . For this we use the most powerful systems . Data Mining is used to discover the relationship between data in order to help for better business . It helps the company to provide better vision for there business.
- Machine Learning :- Machine Learning uses the concept of Artificial Intelligence(AI) that help the systems with the ability to learn and improve from by its own experience without any instructions or programming . Now, today’s machine are able to learn by its own .
- Pattern Recognition :- Pattern Recognition is the ability of the machine to read the character , image , pattern like traffic cameras which detect and understand the number plate of the car and also able to read the face of the driver .
So why you choose data science as a career ?
In 2012 , as Harvard Business review said its is the most demanding job profile of 21st Century , As an Indian most of the people don’t know about the opportunity in data science till now but now its on peak because of it’s demanding in the Indian market . As a survey India needs more than 35000 data scientist because it just like the revolution in the Indian market because every company have a huge data and they just need someone like you who can able to understand the data . Now Indian market realize that data analyst is not enough to deal with the data then need more than that and that’s why they are ready to heir you , if you know the data science well enough . In future , you will see there is a lots of scope in Data Science .