Angular 8! Let see the new feature and more details.

Angular is a client-side Typescript which is based on frameworks. It is used to create a dynamic web application. It’s very similar to the previous versions excepts having extensive features.
- User-to-User (eg. Gmail, facebook types applications)
- Location-to-Location (eg. GPS, Weather report application)
- Time-to-Time (eg. News updates applications)
We talk about the portion of the key advantages and highlights of why still an enormous number of engineer stick to AngularJS improvements.

Review of ivy
With the arrival of Angular 8, a review adaptation of Ivy is presently accessible for testing. Ivy is another rendering motor that will create littler group sizes. Be that as it may, it’s not prescribed to begin utilizing it underway not at this time. In the event that you might want to begin playing with Ivy, you can educate the Angular CLI to empower Ivy in your venture utilizing the –enable ivy switch:
$ ng new angular-project --enable-ivy
Use Web worker with Angular CLI
A web worker is used to running CPU serious calculations in a foundation string, liberating the principle string to refresh the UI. Angular CLI 8 gives now one group to each web specialist.
Lazy loading
We all know about lazy loading is the most powerful and useful concept in Angular routing, furthermore, for those of us who have been working with Angular, we know how it cuts down the size of huge documents.
path: 'lazy',
loadChildren: () => import('./mylazy/mylazy.module').then(mod => mod.Module)
Improvement of ngUpgrade
Angular 8 has likewise added new highlights to ngUpgrade which makes simpler for designers to overhaul their Angular.js applications to Angular 8.
Angular 8 Features:-
- Add a Navigation Type Available during Navigation in the Router.
- Add path Params Or Query Params Change mode for run Guards and Resolvers in the Router.
- Allow the passing state to router Link Directives in the Router.
- Allow the passing state to Navigation Extras in the Router.
- Restore entire article when exploring back to a page overseen by Angular Router.
- Add to support for SASS.
- Resolve created Sass/ Less records to .css inputs