Python dictionary is nothing but a key value pair here key denotes the word and value denote the meaning. Key value is provided in the dictionary to make it more optimized . Each key value pair is separated by colon (:) and each key is separated by comma (,).
A dictionary in Python is as similar to dictionary in real world . Here key must be unique and immutable (can not change) .
#creating a Dictionary
dict = {}
print(type(dict)) # dict is dictionary or not or type of dict
#creating a small dictionary
dict1 = {“Utkarsh”:”shukla”,”red”:”securium”,”rohan”:”eat burger”,”Dinesh”:”want money”}
dict1[“red”] #access a particular key
#we can make dictionary in another dictionary .
dict2 = {“utkarsh”:”shukla”,”shivam”:”milk”,”Neha”:{“senior”:”ma’am”,”hobby”:”programming”}}
print(dict2) # print the hole dict2 key value
print(dict2[“Neha”]) #print Neha dictionary
See the program and output :
#create empty dictionary
dict = {}
#adding element in empty dictionary
dict[0] = ‘hello’
dict[1] = ‘rokey’
dict[2] = 2
print(“dictionary after adding this element “)
See the program and output:
Make a swapping program in Python:
# traditional method
a = 10
b = 18
temp = a
a = b
b = temp
In the next blog, we cover if and else conditions.