
North Korean Hackers Stole Virtual Currency

Greeting everyone ! Hope Everything is going Good ! Growing Of cyber Crime Day by day Which carries Huge Loss Data theft etc recently North Korean hackers stole millions of dollars from virtual currency accounts and then laundered the stolen funds in hopes of making the crime untraceable, according to a Justice Department civil forfeiture complaint filed Thursday.

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According To Cyber News recently The Justice Department has announced action against two hacks of virtual currency exchanges by North Korean hacker.

According to court documents, the bad actors stole millions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency and laundered the funds through Chinese over-the-counter (OTC) cryptocurrency traders. Now, the Justice Department is seeking to recover those funds through the filing of a civil forfeiture complaint which is biggest Theft .

The US Cyber Command is among the federal agencies that participated in the investigation of issue . On Wednesday, it disclosed samples of malicious software that officials said North Korean hackers have been using to target a wide variety of victims which attackers use malicious Software as Trojan which install via Victim .

Assistant Attorney General John Demers, who heads the Justice Department”s national security division, said prosecutors are committed to publicly calling out foreign adversaries for cyber crime.

“Although North Korea is unlikely to stop trying to pillage the international financial sector to fund a failed economic and political regime, actions like those today send a powerful message to the private sector and foreign governments regarding the benefits of working with us to counter this threat,” he said in a statement. (AP) SCY SCY

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