
How To Protect Cloud Infrastructure Common Way

Greeting Everyone! Hope Everything Going well Today In this Blog We are going to discuss Common Way to Protect Your cloud infrastructure From data theft, Access control etc. Why we need to secure Cloud? Common Protection mechanism we should Follow.

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Why We Need Cloud Security?

Cloud is Big Infrastucture Data center which give Us Storage to store Our data To protect against These security measures are configured to protect cloud data, support regulatory compliance and protect customers’ privacy as well as setting authentication rules for individual users and devices.

How To Secure Cloud Infrastructure?

Data encryption in the cloud:

Encryption of data which is main mitigation against risk . When we store our valuable data You need to make sure your data is In proper encryption format. use good Or known Encryption Mechanism to protect data Check with your cloud service provider to see what encryption policies they offer. encrypted data which readable for authorized access only with access to the decryption keys of actual route .

Proper Managing Of access control:

Access Control is common issue which phase cloud everyday due to improper mechanism set so that mean anyone can access those data wihout improper authorisation You don’t want anybody to access those data stored in your cloud unless they have the proper clearance. You need to make sure and give proper right for access data for every user You need to mitigate against risk by specific access control policies to different users

Monitor your Cloud infrsatructure for threats :

Threats can hide on your cloud environment and wait for the perfect time to strike. By monitoring your cloud environment, you can discover hidden malware and proactively take steps to remove it. So make proper Monitpring On i use Different Monioring Policies, Sofware to make it threats Free which may protect Your Infrastructure against Risk.

Internal Firewalls for Individual Applications, and Databases

Set proper configuration Of firewall Which prottect against risk Use Known Firewall according to Your service provider Policies Against Individual Applications, and databases which Mitigate against Risk As While having a strong perimeter firewall can block external attacks, internal attacks are still a major threat So we need to set Mecahnism To prottect against Risk .

Conclusion: In today’s Blog we discussed Common security Protection Against Cloud Infrastructure To Mitigate Various Risk factor We Discussed Common Way Data Encryption, Proper Managing Of access control etc which Mitigate against security Threats.

Thank You See You In Next Blog.

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Author : Pallab Jyoti Borah | VAPT Analyst

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