
First Bug Found: My Ethical Hacking Journey as a Beginner

Hello everyone! I am really happy to announce that I got my first valid bug from a target, and not only that, I uncovered two bugs from that target. So in this blog, I am going to talk about those two bugs.

ethical hacking journey burp suite
ethical hacking journey burp suite

First bug

I found this bug as accdential. I will check source page of targeted website as daily then I found some code in page how to validate login page so I found has in code /welcome as a admin login directory is look like that

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it not work it go welcome page but it redirect automatic login page. So I decide check source page then I found a code like this <script>window.location.href = ‘../index.php’;</script>

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Then I open my weapon it name burpsuite most important for hacker, likes as bharmsatra but its not joke time lets focus our vulnerability. I open burpsuite then intercept the request of admin/ welcome/ page to do intercept the response.

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then I delete script it not going to admin page then boom I send response in brower its login admin page successfully.


This time I have all permission to edit this website.

Second bug

Critical Vulnerability Found: SQL Injection and IDOR Exploit on Website

I found critical vulnerbility its name like as simple mysql database because of vulneable parameter in website for example its id parameter is vulnerable then I use sqlmap to find database and boom successfully account name,password,credit and debit, adhar,pancard etc. So this parameter have IDOR vulnerabilty of user how pay money.
That is my bug I found in website.If u re beginner so first you go bugbounty u try understand little bit code because they give u idea how website work but its more improtant thing is recon, recon it that thing you no do correctly so u miss oppoutunity to find bug.

So that’s all from my side. I hope you enjoyed this blog. Keep spreading knowledge.
Its yours,


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